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Re: Battlefield 3 beta start times, beta codes and more

Posted: October 1st, 2011, 11:43 am
by LF55
And I am lost on a creek with no paddle. BF3 SN = LF5x5

Re: Battlefield 3 beta start times, beta codes and more

Posted: October 2nd, 2011, 7:18 pm
by i_am_not_your_father
Ready-FIRE-Aim wrote:
The specific pop up message window I was getting would appear after I clicked "Join Server." Then comes the message: "Incompatible driver version; Detected AMD driver version 11.1: minimum version is 11.7; please update driver at before playing game." The only option was "OK" and after clicking that, I got sent back to the server search screen.
In my case, I had to install specific NVidia "beta" GPU drivers for BF3 otherwise it wouldn't let me join. So check the equivalent beta driver for your card. Might be v11.10?


Re: Battlefield 3 beta start times, beta codes and more

Posted: October 12th, 2011, 7:59 am
by Ready-FIRE-Aim
Ok, I've resolved my error messages and wanted to share those solutions here in case anyone else might encounter similar issues:

Graphics driver: Yes IANYF, the most current driver for my card is 11.10. My problem was that under the BootCamp partition for Windows 7 on my Mac, the AMD installer was unable to execute the install. So, I used the AMD installer program only up to the point of expansion. I chose to create a dedicated folder for the expanded 11.10 driver on the desktop to make it easier to locate and then used the Windows Device Manager to do the install. I honestly cannot tell a difference in graphics performance, but at least I have no pop up messages anymore. And I believe that with 11.10 now installed, the AMD installer will work going forward.

ESN Sonar error: Didn't know wtf this was except that I had very poor performance on "joining parties." Swanny and Spec really held my hand on this and tried to help me get familiar with the concept. Kept getting a pop up error message that ESN Sonar was "Unable to load 1 or more internal sources. Please reinstall. Code 0002"

Well it turns out that was related to the joining parties issue. I searched all over the web and found the (bizarre) solution. All I had to do was go into my Win7 Display Manager and set the screen font size to its minimum of 100%. I had chosen the next size up for tired old eyes but that was the prob. Go figure. No more Sonar errors.

and finally:
Win7 operations familiarity No solution for this. User error. Dumb as a sack of hammers. I miss Steve Jobs...........