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BF3 Feedback?!

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 8:32 am
by zanshin1
Im thinkin of upgrading but tis expensive for a game. Some actual gameplay feed back would be nice.

Im sure the graphics are great etc....but

How do the helo fly compared to DC?
Are the missle fire and forget or do you have to sit there and guide them in?

Same about planes.

Same with RPg

Are there enough vehicles to go around or is it like dc and if not modded you sit and wait(worst thing ever for a game)

Do they have quick spawn times?

Can It be modded the same way dc is to add and subtract things as people see fit?

Is there an airplane that flys around with radar and it cant be shot down telling you where all your enemies are?

Have they fixed the joystick issue?


Re: BF3 Feedback?!

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 10:20 am
by swodi
Well - I have only played a few games (very little time with each) other than '42/DC, but I love bf3 - the team/squad play aspect, points and ranks - with points and goals for different kits and support players being worth something (points) instead of just doing it out of the goodness of their hearts as in DC - supplying ammo (no ammo box's in bf3 so players have to supply all ammo) and health and wrenches...

to your points - from my pov and imho...
graphics = awesome and adjustable to help gameplay to a large level...
helo's = very very 'different' than DC - not as good as DC for sure - but again, different type of flying with many weapons and much of the time trying to stay hidden and fire (many gunner options as well for weapons) rather than exposed and firing, but very different.
missles = there are really 4 types - aim/fire/hope, aim/lock/fire, aim/lock on another lock/fire, aim/fire/guide... they are all unlocks for different vehicles - all have up's and down's for different vehicles.
Planes = again, very different than DC, not as good imo - but not really comparing apples to apples as bf3 has many many options for you to select your plane loadout options and fly/attack accordingly...
rpg's/stingers/jav's = the same, several different types that work differently and cause different types of damage, I like the handheld 'rockets' much better in bf3.
vehicles = for sure less. Currently you/we can only either turn vehicles on or off I think, maps can be ran in Large mode or Small mode - small mode on some maps will limit off specific vehicles (tanks) but we currently can't modify this :(
spawn times are adjustable, people and vehicles - some vehicles respawn before the burning before it is gone, others take a bit... people spawn times are adjustable - and in the 'waiting to spawn' screen there are several things that you may want to take the chance to change/adjust before respawning = it's typically ready to respawn before me :D
modded ability = very limited currently - REALLY hope/can't wait till they open this up for us...
Airplanes = jets can have radar - as can tanks/bmp types of vehicles... it's smaller radius than DC, but again, kind of different because for one thing, just because you can see him on radar/minimap in bf3 doesn't mean you can find him or get to him to hit/kill him - there is just some much to the environment - plus, in DC you could sorta of 'fly around and find the sniper' where in bf3 you're probably not going to just be doing alot of low level flying around troops looking for a sniper because you'll be locked on and killed quick... so different... There is a 'thing' in bf3 where just like in DC you can hit F2 F3 and say a command or request - in bf3 you just look at something and tap Q key and it says it automatically for you - so for instance I see an enemy plane flying by - I look at the plane and tap Q and it announces Enemy Plane Spotted! and it also 'lights' the player tag of that enemy up for several seconds... Or if I look at a guy on my team that a 'ammo' support guy - I can just tap the Q key while looking at him and my guy says 'Give me some fukin ammo here!!!' so I don't have to press F1 F3 or whatever... also if you see an enemy and tap Q - your guy says 'Spotted an Enemy' and lights his tag up - for all your team also..... So all the players on your team can see that guys tag across the screen - as well as your team can now see this enemy on their minimaps - so there are lots of times you see enemies all over your minimap... with all that said, you can still hide very well and snipe or spot for your team... (longest headshot = 1900 meters/alittle over a mile :D :D :D)
joysticks = I don't use a joystick and I suck but probably the best pilot I've seen in the game (looking over at Prophet's head swelling up - lmao) uses a keyboard as well... I don't know all the reasons, but it seems more than half probably fly planes with keyboards - and almost all fly helo's with keyboards...

For sure a Recommend - the computer will be big and a powerful computer today and cost some, and it will be a 'typical' gaming computer in a year and still cost some, and just a run-of-the-mill computer in a few years. I still have DC installed and it works fine - but when I jump in and play it - it just kills me how there isn't anything to do other than the basics now that I've played with all the bells and whistles... :D

Hope to see ya :)

~I know Boon - you hate me even worse now for putting all my bad DC comments on paper! haha - sorry brotha!!!