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ways to save bf1942 when gamespy shuts down

Posted: May 23rd, 2014, 7:08 pm
by scarwolf
I am sure you are fully aware of gamespy shuttting down which will effect the game so here is ways you can still keep not only this server alive but others

game ranger
manually saving ips

this is a way we can keep this game alive before they shut gamespy down i can understand that here they want to only promote there own server however i feel if everyone works together and advertises ways to keep the ingame population alive would be beneficial to all! promoting all mods would also keep the interest alive

if everyone also lists options to gain access to servers that i have not listed please post under this forum and mods that can be secured! the mods i am aware of are this

eod (eve of destruction)
desert combat
desert combat final
star wars mod
pirate of the carribean mod

any mod servers should also be saved and if i missed any mods please list it under this post aswell

thank you all for reading and i hope you all have fun in this game :)

Re: ways to save bf1942 when gamespy shuts down

Posted: May 23rd, 2014, 11:31 pm
by Trench
Thanks. Also be sure to review for additional information and recommended options.
